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FileMaker 15 – What’s new?

So, it’s been a year since the last release.

FileMaker has increased the rate of releases from about 18 mon威而鋼
ths to 12 months.

This means we get less goodies but more frequently.

It also means more headache for the IT departments that need to roll out more frequently (unless they decide to skip some versions).

We have been playing with 15 for a while and while there is no ‘wow’ factor there are some nice features and some long overdue ones (e.g. script undos).

This is my personal take on some of the main new features:

  1. The new Inspector look: I don’t think it was a good move to switch the tab titles with icons. I find it easier to read and know what a tab is rather than seeing an icon and testing my memory (even if I do use it every day).
  2. The addition of DB2 to ESS is not very useful for us. Postgress could be useful potentially.
  3. Undoing script changes in the workspace is a great addition.
  4. Highlighting issues in scripts: ‘cute’ but not significant.
  5. FileMaker Go interaction with other iOS apps (app extensions): potentially the biggest thing in FM15. I look forward to seeing what the creative developers out there will do with it.
  6. Truncate table: a great feature for anyone who needs to clear a table from all records (happens to us a lot).
  7. iBeacons: the ability to check your proximity from a beacon is great but has limited use.
  8. WebDirect: faster and better support for mobile devices.
  9. Touch Scan Passcode for FileMaker Go: this opens new options for security management on iOS devices
  10. Server bottle-neck process identification: while not as advanced as those of other platforms it is a welcomed addition and a good start.


This is the extract from FileMaker’s website for the new Pro features:

New Features in FileMaker Pro 15


FileMaker Pro 15 includes the following new features and improvements.


New field control

  • Concealed edit box – Hide confidential information by setting up a field to display dots in place of data.


Improved usability

  • FileMaker Pro Help – Help has been redesigned for easier access and use. Help requires an Internet connection, but you can download it and then use it offline.
  • Simpler software updates – When a software update is available, FileMaker Pro notifies you and allows you to download and install the update from within FileMaker Pro.
  • Hosts search – Search for hosts in the Launch Center using the search box above the hosts list.
  • Additional support for ODBC data sources has been provided.
  • OS X: Full-screen view and split view are supported in FileMaker Pro document windows.
  • OS X: You can now open and close a pop-up menu with the Space bar.


Improved Script Workspace

  • Check for problems in a script; problems are highlighted in the script editing pane. Importing or pasting scripts automatically checks for problems.
  • A new preference allows you to display newly created scripts in the Scripts menu by default.
  • Undo actions in the Script Workspace and the Specify Calculation dialog box.


Enhanced security

  • FileMaker Pro can verify SSL certificates before performing actions that open a file hosted on FileMaker Server, import XML data via an HTTP request, or send email via an SMTP server using an encrypted connection.
  • FileMaker Pro notifies you when a host’s SSL certificate cannot be verified. Choose to connect anyway, add the host to your permitted hosts list, or cancel.
  • Prevent other applications from using AppleScript or ActiveX to perform FileMaker scripts.
  • The Watch tab in the Data Viewer requires that you log in to an account that has full access privileges to view expressions.
  • Configure a solution to require users to use Touch ID or an iOS passcode before FileMaker Go can access its keychain.


Script steps

New script steps

  • Truncate Table – Deletes all records in the specified table regardless of the current found set. Truncate Table may delete records more quickly than Delete All Records when you’re deleting a large number of records.

Changed script steps

  • Script steps that previously included the “Perform without dialog” checkbox now display the “With dialog” option inline.
  • Convert File – You can choose to verify the SSL certificate of the server specified in an HTTP request for XML data.
  • Import Records – You can choose to verify the SSL certificate of the server specified in an HTTP request for XML data.
  • Insert From URL – You can choose to verify the SSL certificate of the server specified in the URL.
  • Send Mail – Verifies the SSL certificate of an SMTP server that is using an encrypted connection.



New functions

  • RangeBeacons – Returns a list of iBeacons and their proximity to an iOS device.

Changed functions

  • Get(LastODBCError) is now Get(LastExternalErrorDetail) and returns details about SSL certificate errors in addition to ODBC errors.


Changed and removed features

  • OS X: FileMaker Pro can be run only as a 64-bit application. If you use 32-bit-only versions of plug-ins, ODBC client drivers, or audio/video codecs with FileMaker Pro, contact the provider for 64-bit versions of that software.
  • Value lists displayed in pop-up menus – If you define a value list to show values from a second field, a field formatted as a pop-up menu now displays only the value from the first field and applies the data formatting for that field when the pop-up menu is closed. (This is the same behavior as for drop-down lists.) To display the value from the value list and ignore data formatting, select the new Override data formatting with value listInspector option.
  • Support has been removed for Acrobat 5 and Acrobat 6 compatibility when you save records as PDF.


This is a list of features not compatible with previous versions (according to FileMaker):

Feature Version
Hide object when Inspector option 13
Slide controls 13
Popovers 13
Display state enhancements for List View records and portal rows 13
Customizing the layout background with full-screen images, colors, or gradients 13
Container field improvements in data storage, file metadata retrieval, and performance 13
Minimum version allowed.. File Options dialog box option 13
List of summary field calculation option 13
Solution icon can be displayed in the Launch Center 14
Button labels with text, an icon (predefined or custom), or both 14
Button bars 14
Placeholder text in fields 14
Navigation layout parts 14
Check mark to indicate selected checkboxes 14
Concealed edit box control style 15


As you can see from version to version there are less ground breaking features.

Still, it’s always nice to get a version and FileMaker is still a great platform for development.


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